26 October 2012

From Sr. Mada-anne: A propos of super storm

Traditionally, we observe every Friday as especially dedicated to the Sacred Heart, with the day culminating in an Hour of Silent Adoration and Exposition before Vespers. And the Salesian thought for today is particularly telling, especially as many of us are apprehensive because of the predicted super storm.

Again, we quote St. Francis de Sales:
Remain resolute
and very close to the foot of the Sacred Cross of Our Savior.

The tears which fall there are like the rain: they calm the wind,
no matter how strong it may be.
Many of us are praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy for any of those in the storm's path. Please join with us to beg that the storm may take a course out to sea without injuring any more of our brothers and sisters.

Mada-anne Gell, VHM
Georgetown Visitation Monastery

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