02 December 2005

The King of Hearts

It seems that often we speak of "opening our hearts" -- either in prayer or in listening to someone or for some other worthy cause. How often, though, is it possible for us to open our hearts -- on our own. When Jesus asked the blind men in today's Gospel if they believed that he could heal them, the men confessed their faith. It was on accout of their faith that Jesus restored their sight. If we were to ask the Lord for the gift of an open heart this Advent season, as we prepare for his coming, what might he say to us? Perhaps he would point to his own heart, opened wide by the sufferings he bore. He might indicate that suffering is the lance that opens our hearts. Looking on us with love, he might then ask if we believe that he can open our hearts. And if we confess our faith that he can open our hearts, we might see that in the day to day sufferings which abound -- in the inconveniences, the difficulties, the irritations and interruptions -- the Lord is opening our hearts for us. For he is providing opportunities for us to grow ever more like him, gentle and humble in heart.
"His heart is the king of hearts, and he keeps his eyes fixed on our hearts."
St. Francis de Sales

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an appropriate reflection for First Friday! Thanks, Sisters.