You may also find this video on YouTube.
30 October 2007
Trick or Treat!
26 October 2007
Fair Play

Sister also discovered that our modest accommodations include wireless Internet service -- so we can share a few photos of our adventure along the way!
At 6.30am Mass, we were delighted (but not surprised) to find a chapel full of students and visiting religious. The Vocations Fair began at setting up at 9.00, welcomed students at 11.00 and ended a little after 5.00. Below is a picture of our table.
There were many interesting exhibits at the fair. The Salesians, (not picture in the photo, located directly to our left) were giving away yo-yos and the Benedictine monks of St. Vincent's Archabbey were spinning yarn (in addition to recruiting vocations!)

After the fair ended a number of vocation directors and students gathered for Adoration in the Chapel of St. Mary of the Angels. We should have a short video with highlights from the fair posted sometime next week. Stay tuned to see Sister Rosemarie try her hand at a yo-yo!
24 October 2007
I is for Infectious

"Do not look forward to what may happen tomorrow. The same Everlasting Father who takes care of you today, will take care of you tomorrow, and every day. He will either shield you from suffering or give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace, then, and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations."
Thirty-two years after graduating from Georgetown Visitation, I returned, this time as a postulant. Last December I made my solemn vows. I know much more about St. Francis de Sales now, and I try to live his practical spirituality every day: Live in the present moment, be aware of the presence of God in my every day ordinary life, offer Him each moment and action in my life. And I share it – with love- with my students.
20 October 2007
Mass Exodus!

To learn more about the FUS Vocation Fair, click here for their press release.
16 October 2007
Feast of St. Margaret Mary
"And so once, when I was before the Blessed Sacrament and had more leisure than usual, for the duties given me left very little, I found myself surrounded by this divine presence, but so powerfully that I forgot where I was and who I was, and I abandoned myself to this divine Spirit, surrendering my heart to the power of His love."
15 October 2007
It's Not Easy Being Green

Today has been designated "blog-action" day, to raise awareness about caring for the environment. We're not usually into the changing tides of trendy-blogging, but "green" is a worthy cause which is important to those of us who strive to live simply and waste as little as possible. This past Thursday our school celebrated Founders' Day and in her talk about "Thoughtful Concern for Others," Sister Mary Berchmans spoke about becoming more "green" in our daily life around school. At the first mention of it, a round of applause began.
A plug for Sister Mary Berchmans' "green-credibility": just about every memo or announcement that Sister posts on the monastery bulletin board is printed on the back of a recycled piece of paper. Sometimes the information on the back is more interesting than the information on the front (just kidding!) Sister used to use the back of the school bulletin for printer paper, but since the school bulletin went "green" last year, there are very few paper copies to be had. Please join us (and 15,000 other blogs) in encouraging others to talk about (and pray for) the preservation of the environment.
11 October 2007
Make Straight the Way of the Lord

07 October 2007
Every-birdie Gets a Blessing