29 August 2006


As promised: a little renovation update. Two weeks ago, we were treated to a tour of the renovation work by our project manager, Kelley Flynn. There are walls in some places and beams in other places that allow us to picture the outline of rooms and begin to imagine what it will look like when things are finished.

Among the highlights of the tour was this outline of a window pictured above to the left. It was discovered behind the wall at the end of the sisters' dormitory passage (known as "Blessed Lady's Passage). It seems that it was once an outside wall of the belltower, before the dormitory wing was built. Our architects are working on how to incorporate it into the "new" wall that will be there. What a delightful surprise!

At right, Mother Philomena studies the wall of a soon-to-be bedroom. It is very exciting to watch the progress from tour to tour.

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