12 August 2009

New Date, New Book!

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of our Holy Mother, Saint Jane de Chantal. For the first time, we are celebrating on this date. For more information on the "movement" of the feast, click here. This post is a bit of a shameless promotion for our new 400th Anniversary book. Both our Mother Mary Berchmans and Sister Mada-anne contributed to the book. Readers should feel free to order a copy of this book since we have a sufficient number of copies on hand.

All kidding aside about our "new book," our "new feast" date is a welcome opportunity to celebrate a woman whose life as a wife, widow, mother, religious foundress and sister was marked by a deep faith in the loving providence of Our Lord. If you haven't read a great deal about St. Jane, one of the best biographies was just recently republished; Written by Elisabeth Stopp, a British Salesisan scholar, it is an engaging read which is both realistic and inspiring.

Today's celebration will include a 9am Mass, a festive meal (read: ice cream for dessert) and, very likely, some extra recreation and merry-making!

"Have great courage and you will see the glory of God increasing like the glow of a beautiful dawn!"
Antiphon for the Feast
First Vespers

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